LivingWell Therapy

Terms and Conditions


I am a Registered Member of BACP (387553) and a Registered Member of COSRT (4212). I observe the BACP and COSRT codes of practice and ethical frameworks. Information about these codes and procedures for making a complaint can be found at and 

Legal Terms of Offer:  Online psychotherapy via Webcam, text or telephone governed by English Law. 

1.1 Helen Binnie of LivingWell Therapy Ltd offers online individual and couples therapy via secure, confidential & reliable video software platforms such as the Cliniko portal, Zoom and WhatsApp. 
1.2 When using a webcam form of working it is not possible to guarantee complete confidentiality under all circumstances. If you feel you may be at risk you may wish to consider receiving the service in other ways e.g. by telephone. 
1.3 If you are concerned about your privacy it is suggested you only use private secured networks when possible & avoid shared connections. Ensure your computer is regularly checked for computer viruses & spyware. 
1.4 Online therapy sessions should take place in a private setting to ensure conversations are not overheard. Recording sessions without the explicit consent of both therapist & client/s will be considered as a breach of this service agreement. 

2.1 Sessions will be 50 minutes long. Fees are currently £90 per session for individual therapy and £100 per session for couples therapy. Concessions may apply for clients on lower incomes – please discuss this with me. 
2.2 Payment is usually made via the link on your invoice or by BACS bank transfer prior to the session. Account details are: LivingWell Therapy Ltd Sort code: 04-06-05 Account number: 15675976 
2.3 There will be no fee charged for an  initial free consultation if required, which will usually be 15-20 minutes long. During this initial meeting, which maybe on the telephone or via video, we will be able to discuss what you hope to achieve by having therapy and what brings you here. You’ll be able to ask questions about how I work therapeutically and at the end of the consultation we can discuss options for the way forward and next steps. 
2.2 Therapy sessions are usually offered every week or by agreement on a regular or ad hoc basis. 

Cancellations & Missed Appointment 
3.1 If you need to cancel a session with less than 48  hours’ notice, please contact me and we will endeavor to reschedule. Where it is not possible to reschedule the full rate for the missed session will be charged. 
3.2 If you are going away or have planned a holiday this can be easily scheduled into the session calendar. Planned holidays, Bank & National holidays will always be discussed in advance. 
3.3 I may on occasion may have to cancel & reschedule sessions due to unexpected circumstances and I will attempt to provide as much notice as possible. 

Technical Problems 
4.1 If there are insurmountable technical problems during the online session such as a power cut, crash or outage the session will be resumed at an agreed date in the future. Where possible the session will be continued on the telephone if practical. 

Clinical Emergency 
5.1 In case of any clinical emergency, severe distress & any other urgent mental health difficulties please contact your GP, local medical emergency services, &/or any other local services appropriate to your difficulties. 

5.1 I adhere to professional codes of ethical standards which includes the principle of confidentiality. Information about you would not be disclosed to a third party without your agreement except in situations where there is serious & significant concern about harm to you or someone else. This would include where you indicate there is reasonable cause to believe that a child or a dependant adult has been abused. This would normally be discussed with you beforehand. 
5.2 All therapists undergo regular case supervision when client information may be discussed as part of ongoing professional development & maintenance of professional standards. 
5.3 If a court orders your therapist to disclose confidential information about you I will first ask that the court drop their order. If they refuse to drop their order, I will disclose only the minimum amount of information I deem necessary to satisfy the court’s order. 
5.4 Please discuss any questions you may have about confidentiality directly with me. 


Access to Your Data 
5.5 All personal data is processed & maintained in accordance with the Data Protection Act. 

5.6 In the event of the sudden death or incapacity of the psychotherapist the appointed Therapeutic Executor will contact you and destroy all case notes and any other relevant confidential information. 

Feedback, Outcome Monitoring & Complaints. 
6.1 Livingwell Therapy gathers feedback about the effectiveness of its services & you may be asked to complete a questionnaire. This is entirely optional. 
6.2 If you are concerned about any aspect of the service you are receiving or with any other aspect of your treatment or contact with Helen Binnie of LivingWell Therapy Ltd it may be helpful to discuss this with me in the first instance. Otherwise you can refer to the BACP professional register website at or COSRT Professional register at 


Livingwell Therapy Ltd will hold your mobile number and email. Six months after your therapy ends, we will destroy this form, remove your number and delete your emails. 


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